Search results for: “florence”


Photos from a day in Florence

I had originally published these photos with my Florence guide, but decided they were better when viewed on their own. A day around Florence…la dolce vita at its finest. Some of my favorite places, including…

Where to shop in Florence

There are many classic souvenirs to pick-up while traveling in Florence, a city known for its leather goods and traditional paper. Consider the following places as you spend time on the hunt for take-homes from…

Day trips from Florence

The beauty of Florence (aside from its actual beauty) is that it’s centrally located in Italy, and many different destinations are just a short train ride away. I took advantage of this fact and embarked…

Where to eat in Florence

Since Florence is one of the best places in the world, it’s only natural that I publish a super comprehensive guide to all of the best places to eat there…the places I’ve dreamed about daily…

Florence travel guide

a Renaissance City Reborn Florence was my home for five months, so I have endless recommendations that could quickly fill a long visit. But I know not everyone has that much time in the Renaissance…

Heartbeats of Florence

I often try to make my daydreams as real as possible, if I feel a particular place or feeling slipping out of my memory. I try so hard to return to a moment, and it…

Finding home in Florence, Italy

The first time I really felt I could call Florence home was the moment I stepped off the bus returning from Switzerland one rainy Sunday night. I felt a palpable sense of relief wash over…

My Italian summer 2023

I am so late to post this as I unintentionally took a long hiatus from the blog while I settled into my life in Rome. But, it’s one of the best posts of the year…

Ciao! I’m Maggie, a girl who loves to dream. The Artful Everyday is my travel and lifestyle blog dedicated to living intentionally and finding beauty in the ordinary. I believe that how we live our lives is art and that every day can be beautiful.

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Traveling to Italy and in need of tips on where to go, what to see, and what to eat? After living in Florence and Rome and traveling extensively throughout Italy, I’d love to offer my recommendations on how to have the best time in the most beautiful country in the world.

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