My top blog posts from 2020

This year was like no other, in terms of worldwide events and let’s be honest, trauma. It was filled with uncertainty and tragedy. I found myself writing things like what to do during weekends in quarantine, and when we find happiness again, a post inspired by something Pope Francis said at the beginning of the pandemic.

I felt compelled to write about the hurt and unrest here in Minneapolis after George Floyd was killed by the police. I shared who I voted for. I wrote about the power of appreciating the small things, when we were spending so much time at home and missing the usual everyday moments we counted on. I listed out the things I couldn’t wait to do after the first lockdown, things I had certainly taken for granted. I escaped by writing about my travels from 2019, feeling nothing but gratitude that I had done so much travel before the world shut down.

I wanted to round-up some of my posts from the year that I felt were most impactful, or the best records of this unprecedented year we have experienced. Some of these posts were painful to write, but often it’s how I best process what’s going on in my life. Others allowed me to remember that there is so much beauty in this world, no matter what kind of hell we are living through.

I am so grateful I have this platform to share my thoughts and experiences, and connect with people in the process. If you missed any of these posts, I hope you have a chance to read them now! Some of theses are ones I go back to again and again, and still they stay relevant.

Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and dive in!

All of the posts are linked, just click on them to be redirected!






Did you have any favorite posts from this year? Let me know in the comments below! I appreciate you being here. xx