How I make working from home better

Some of you may remember the post I did called An Ideal Work Day, when I landed my 9-5 job last spring. Well, things have obviously drastically changed since then and after a summer of being cooped up inside, I’ve thought a lot about the small things I do each day that make it better. WFH, or working from home, is what most of us are used to at this point in the pandemic. While there’s increasing hope about a safe return to work, it most likely looms largely after the new year.  

A few of the pointers from my original ideal workday post still apply, but I wanted to make a fresh list aimed specifically at WFH. These are the actions that allow me to have a productive, inspiring day, even if the work is virtual and the co-worker is my dad. (This post is as much for me as it is for you.)

Wake up early enough to have a calm morning before you log on.

I’m working on developing what I like to call my morning ritual, so that every morning I follow the same schedule while getting ready for my day. It’s relaxing and it’s nice to pamper myself a little in the morning, to ease into the day.

Get dressed or dress a certain way for certain days.

Some of my favorite influencers have been publishing calendars to follow to inspire people to get dressed each day. I’ve found that I’m more productive when I get out of my pajamas (otherwise they stay on way too long, let’s be honest I’ve always been that way). I like to dress up on Fridays, for no reason other than it’s Friday. 

Find your favorite brew or tea.

When we have grounds from our favorite coffee shop at the cabin, our vacation spot every August, it just makes the day so much better. Or start your day at a cafe once or twice a week, especially if you have outdoor seating options. It’s a nice feeling to sit outside and see other humans before another virtual day. 

Change location throughout the day.

I know this may be hard for some people, depending on what background you want for Zoom or how big your living space is. I like to change things up and move downstairs in the afternoon. Or some mornings, I take my laptop outside and work there for an hour. 

Read or walk over your lunch break.

My doctor recommended me to move for 60 minutes every day, because I was having a lot of trouble sleeping. This has turned into a need to get out and bike or walk each day. I like to walk after lunch, during that inevitable afternoon lull I always seem to have. Morning walks are nice to, gets the blood flowing even before I sit down. If you’re on a stricter schedule, try walking over your lunch. If you don’t have time to escape physically, then escape mentally into a book or podcast. Or, chat with your “coworkers.” 

Have playlists and podcasts lined up.

Depending on what kind of work I’m doing, I like to listen to podcasts or music. My current favorite podcasts are the Lo and Zo show, Bad on Paper, and RomCom pods. All of my Spotify playlists are listed in this post.

Drink sparkling mineral water in the afternoon.

Yes, I usually have a shot of espresso after lunch. Do as the Romans do, eh? But after I switch to Gerolsteiner, which is my favorite sparkling mineral water available at Trader Joe’s. Besides the fact that I love the taste, it’s very healthy for you. Pour it into a fancy glass, like one I picked up very affordably at Ikea, and it will make your afternoon that much better. If it’s chilly, then I opt for a cup of peppermint tea.

Stock up on notebooks you love.

I have wayyyy too many notebooks but honestly they each have a purpose. My favorite are from Fringe, Moleskin, Zara Home, and DesignWorks Ink.

Reward yourself with an hour on the couch or in front of the fireplace.

The floor by the fireplace is my preferred place to work. If I’m working on a fun or creative project for say an hour, I allow myself to do it from the couch just for a break from my room.

Clean your workspace before you end your day.

My desk is in my bedroom, which is a blessing and a curse. When I wrap up for the day, I like to organize everything neatly and set out my journals for the next morning. It helps me to feel less mentally cluttered when my physical space is tidy, especially because it’s in my bedroom. 

Assign yourself time for extracurriculars, aka passion projects.

This is especially helpful when the weather gets cold, and there may not be as much to do after work hours. I like to designate one night a week to studying Italian, and another to my blog. Sometimes I paint, too. If you have a passion project, it’s a good idea to set away designated time for it so it doesn’t get swept under the rug.

If you have other tips for making the work from home experience better, or a little more luxurious, drop a line below! And feel free to share these two templates to your Instagram stories.