Overseas discoveries: The series returns

I started this series when I first arrived in Florence for study abroad a couple years ago, and I wanted to continue it now that I am back living in Italy. It’s meant to be an observation on life and its differences between cultures, as only an expat can see and take note of. Often the things I observe are funny or food-related, but nevertheless important in understanding what it’s like living in a culture different from the one I was raised in.

I hope you enjoy reading about my findings as much as I enjoy observing them every day! This series lives in my amateur expat tab, which is full of thoughts and advice for expats as I learn it all myself. Here are my discoveries from my first two weeks in Roma…


Kiddos wear robes to swimming instead of using a towel, and people cover their feet with scrubs in the locker room. They also always blow dry their hair, because you wouldn’t dare go outside with wet hair!


Rome’s tap water comes from the aqueducts and is SO DELICIOUS. It’s a nice surprise for me after disliking the taste of the water in Florence.


I love running again thanks to Villa Doria Pamphili, the most massive park with an entrance just a few minutes away from my casa!


Prunes are delicious. Why do they get such a bad rap in the US, and why don’t we eat them fresh? They are my latest obsession.


Finocchio (fennel) is my FAVORITE. Did you know there’s a feminine and masculine version? Well the masculine finocchio is what can be eaten raw, and I was introduced to it first thanks to aperitivo at Volume in Florence. Now I eat it in salads with my host family and I could die and go to heaven it is so good!!


I know way more Italian than I thought (LOL). It is really amazing what immersion can do!!


There are lizards in Rome, and parrots (look for the green ones in Villa Borghese park).


I’ve been asked for directions three times in the past two days, twice by Italian speakers, so I must look like I belong here, haha.


I like tuna in Italy. I don’t know why, it’s just better here.


I’m grateful for every sip of espresso I take here.

This is the first of many, so check back soon for another!