Life lately: April 2021

Hi, ciao, how are you?

I was going to start this post by saying “breaking my silence” but that made me think of the meme that came out after the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan and it was made to look like the Queen had made a YouTube video with the title “BREAKING MY SILENCE.” I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw that one. If you follow me on Instagram you know I haven’t even been silent, just a little quieter than usual. I started a new job in early February and that has taken up most of my time, like full time jobs do lol. I wanted to write a check-in sort of post today because those are my favorite when I haven’t blogged in some time and want to come back after life has been busy.

It’s definitely been an adjustment to having a full-time job again, because it’s been awhile since I’ve had an “office” job (August 2019) and I haven’t worked full-time since last spring (when I was nannying). So I am very grateful to have the job and a steady income source again, it’s just taken some time to get used to things. Plus, working from home during the pandemic has been an interesting challenge, since I’ve only met a few of my coworkers in person on my first day. The rest has been virtual which is nice and flexible but I miss people. It will be interesting to go “back to the office” when I’ve never even been there! My blog posts about an ideal work day and how I make working from home better have helped me make the adjustment.

I am very excited that when people ask me what I do, I can say that I’m a writer. I’ve always been a writer, but to find a job as one has been a very fulfilling thing for me. Since the spring of my junior year of college, I have been interested in pursuing jobs that weren’t in the industry I studied (interior design). Though I was still passionate about it, I have so many other interests I wanted to explore. A little over two years ago when I was in Ireland, I realized how much I wanted to be a writer. I was sitting on a bus driving across the beautiful countryside. The sun was shining and I was so content to be just riding along, writing in my journal. From that moment on, I have committed myself to writing more and pursuing it professionally. In the fall of 2020, I became a lifestyle magazine writing intern for Society19, and then in February landed my current job as a content writer for a small marketing agency. Over the years I have written a lot, on this blog of course and for websites that had me as a guest blogger. I also did some work doing interviews and writing stories for a Seminary, which provided more professional writing experience for me.

To come full circle now and get paid to write feels really good. I know this job is not the end for me in my life as a writer, but really just the beginning. I’m not going to lie, it was damn hard to switch career paths. Like swimming upstream, battling a very strong current. People don’t always understand why you’d want to try something new, or have so many interests like I do. It is both a gift and a setback to be passionate about a lot of different things. I think many other creatives can attest to this. Plus, being creatively fulfilled is a huge part of my existence. I’m learning that doesn’t always have to come from work or your career though. I could be happy being a waitress and doing my creative projects on the side. I think one day eventually, my creative projects will become my life work. Getting there and knowing what that will look like is all just part of the journey. Who can predict the future?

As I write this post, it’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Spring has finally arrived here and I feel like I am coming back to life just like the earth is. I get my second dose of the vaccine a week from today, and having the first shot has already eased so much of my anxiety. I feel extremely grateful that my parents and I have the vaccine and are safe now. We actually got it on the same day, my dad’s birthday, and I cried out of sheer relief as I drove to get my shot after them. All of the pent up worry and fear over them getting sick over the last year just released out of me. They are safe now. They will be okay. It’s a lot, this pandemic. We have to remember to continue giving ourselves grace and time to heal from the traumas we have all experienced over the past year.

I am feeling so much more hopeful today than before. Most of the people I know here have appointments to get vaccinated or will soon. I’m looking forward to writing more travel content on the blog, as the CDC just announced yesterday that fully vaccinated people can travel, as long as they wear masks. I have my first trip (!!!!!) planned already to San Diego, at the end of this month when I’m fully vaccinated. I haven’t been on a plane since January 2020, and I know I will cry. I could cry just thinking about it. I’m so excited to stay with my best friend, be by the ocean (probably swim a little even if it’s freezing), and just enjoy being in San Diego. It’s one of my favorite places and I love that it will be my first trip after the pandemic. Like my friend Steph, a concert photographer, said after shooting her first show since quarantine–it will feel like part of my soul is returning to me.

Expect more travel and lifestyle content again as we come out of this. The past year has been interesting for me as a blogger, I found myself writing about things I never imagined I would. I shifted my focus to try to inspire people during these hard times, and provide any advice I could. 2020 was also a year of major reckonings, and I’m happy to focus on and bring awareness to more issues going forward. I’ve been trying better to be an ally and I hope that the things I share here and on Instagram are helpful to you all.

I really want to get back to New York and a few other cities in the states until international travel opens again. I know some countries are already reopening to those who are vaccinated. My first stop once I can leave the country will definitely, obviously be Italy. I’m also itching to get back to Paris–the city of lights is calling my name.

It’s wild to think it’s been over a year since the pandemic began. So much has changed in our world, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. I’m working on paying attention to the things I’m excited to get back to coming out of this cocoon over the last year. I want to build a new life that’s full of people, places, and things I love, with no room for negativity or bad relationships. We should all be able to move forward after this into a more authentic and genuine life, because we owe ourselves that.

I think that’s all I have to say for now to break my little blog silence. More to come soon. xxMaggie