Change is the only constant

‘Change is the only constant’ is one of the more true, yet mystifying, things I’ve heard. It’s something my yoga teacher brought up the other day but that I’ve previously learned for myself. Emotions change, feelings change, confidence changes, moods change, friends change, people change, jobs change, priorities change, EVERYTHING changes. Nothing is constant in life.

So what keeps you grounded in this ever-evolving world? How do you stay steady when the earth is shifting below you? I believe there are things that we can hold unto that allow us to stay true to ourselves and feel like yourself. The past couple of years (which were rife with change) have confirmed what these things are for me: yoga, faith, my relationships, travel, running, writing, all the way down to the little things like making my bed, appreciating the sunlight or a warm cup of espresso, and journaling at night.

I think once you identify these things in your life, and make them a priority, you’ll find your feet firmly on the ground. For me, my head is almost always in the clouds, so finding the things that bring me back to Earth is really important. I have a love/hate relationship with routine, but it really does help to keep me grounded. I’ve found whenever my schedule changes, with school or a new job, I end up spinning around for a few weeks before I finally feel like I have a grip on life again. Routines help me stick to doing the things I need to feel good, and commit time to everything I listed above.

But while routine is great for keeping me on track, I’ve always craved variety and breaks from otherwise “normal” days. When I was in school, even just leaving for a doctor’s appointment felt like an adventure because it wasn’t where I usually was. I lived for being set free during the day, even if just for an hour.

The bottom line is, I know if I continue to make time for the things that make me feel like myself, along with prioritizing taking care of my mind, body, and soul, I will continue on with happiness, confidence, and openness to all possibilities. What are the things that keep you grounded? How do you embrace change and continue living your best life amidst difference?