On hold

The year is already halfway over and I’ve really not posted anything on this blog. My Instagram has been switched to private and since the beginning of August I’ve actually been taking a break from posting there. There’s so much I could write and yet, I’ve felt this shift to keep more to myself. Also because some things can only be written later, after the fact. Once you’ve lived through it all and have some perspective on the other side. Maybe my mind has also been a little overwhelmed too, adjusting and shifting to this whole new life in Italy. It’s been crazy and full and a lot and my goal for 2024 was to continue expanding, but to also find my equilibrium.

Anyways, I felt I owed a quick post to at least say, this is where I’m at. I’m at a bit of a turning point in my life, and as always when you arrive at a crossroads, there are decisions to be made. I’d like to move forward with intention but first I need to decide what my future looks like and where my blog and Instagram fit in. Before I moved to Italy and as I celebrated five years of blogging, I redid the blog in anticipation of shifting my content, to match how my life was shifting. Now that I’m here and my life has also changed in terms of career and how much time I have and where my focus is, of course I have to re-evaluate. I also always want to adjust my blog so that it ‘fits’ me, my current state, my aesthetic, where I’m at. And I have ideas, but not always the time to execute.

So, as I muddle through this in-between area and until I emerge on the other side, my posts here might continue to be infrequent. Taking a break has allowed me to focus on other creative endeavors, like updating my Pinterest and writing in other mediums. One thing is sure—I am full of creativity and sooner or later it has to escape from me somehow.

And maybe posting this one blog post will actually be the first step back that I need to do that here. Hope to be back again soon and hope you’re all enjoying your summer. xxMaggie