I’m back on YouTube!

…and this time with an actual vlog! I am soooo excited to start this journey of vlogging so I thought I’d make a post here to let you—my loyal blog readers—know that I’m expanding my content into the vlog world. If you’re interested in my videos, hit subscribe on YouTube!

I’ve been wanting to get into vlogs for such a long time, and of course the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step (lol). So, my single step today is this vlog which is super raw and barely edited but shows some of the beauty I saw during the past two summers in Italy. The times I remembered to pick up my camera and press record (which I plan to do a lot more of now…). I can’t wait to keep sharing with you all! And if you have any ideas for vlogs you’d be interested in, send me a DM.

Now I wish I was back at the sea in Tropea. For more on where I went and what I did during the last two summers, check out these posts: